Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Rocky Horror Show- Review by Td Simons

Thursday, September 25 my father and I (yes, it was slightly awkward) attended The Rocky Horror Show at the Wyly Theater. This show was lively, energetic and VERY entertaining! I have seen the movie before, so I thought I was fully prepared for the sexual content/audience participation, but this production took it to the next step making it even more enjoyable!
In this show, I was personally impressed by the use of space throughout the theater. The actors used the entire theater as their stage. For instance, while Frank and Riff Raff were searching for their precious creature (Rocky) on top of the high-rise center stage, Janet and Rocky were hooking up in the audience behind the first section. Also, there were four phantoms on poles (the entire time) in the four corners of the audience dancing and singing the entire show. Seating was also spread onto the stage, where audience interaction happened a couple times between the characters and a couple audience members.
The set was also impressive. The center high-rise platform with two spiral staircases rotated and was the most dominantly used part of the stage. The entrance to the castle was located towards the back of the stage with an adjustable staircase leading to the ground-floor part of the stage. The lighting gave a sci-fi feel to the set with the use of purple and green coloring. Also certain props, gadgets and lighting represented sexual male/female parts (including the staircase previously described).
The live music throughout the show also contributed to its energetic feel. The live musicians were basically a part of the cast because of their participation throughout the entire show. They had the crazy make-up, sexual clothing and even the platform heals! The musicians included a guitarist, bass guitarist, pianist, drummer and a saxophone player. Even though the musicians didn’t have any lines they were still acting with the other lead roles. The musicians were on stage the entire time either walking around or underneath the high-rise platform.
All of the roles were perfectly cast and wonderfully played. I was specifically impressed by the transvestites Frank-N-Furter (Dan Domenech) and Columbia (Walter Lee) who had to learn how to sing the female’s part (and sound good), train/workout to achieve an attractive womanly figure, and learn how to walk/dance in an ungodly high pair of heals. These men successfully pulled it off and looked great! The other leads and actors also did a great job theatrically and vocally.

Richard O’Brien’s The Rocky Horror Show was a refreshing and up-beat  musical, compared to the last few I have seen, one being Evita (if you know what I mean). I enjoyed this musical so much that my dad and I had to listen and sing along to the soundtrack on our way home! A big thank you to the producers and directors who put on this amazing show!

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